BDHS '65 Fortieth Reunion, old BDHS Cafeteria, June 11, 2005

Bob Hayden Photos, page 5

Need help on this one!  ?, ?, Wayne Garrison (plaid shirt), Dala Best Stahley (arms crossed), Wayne's wife Peggy (seated, looking at Dala), Jerry Barker (standing, brown shirt), Monty Russell's fiance (black top, back to camera), Richard  Wagoner (blue striped shirt) next to Jerry (Richard was in our class but dropped out of school before we graduated).


Dale Fox (black Hawaiin shirt) talking to Mike Mohler, Donna Burkhead Blevins' husband Tom seated, Dick Deweese on right, talking to Jean Daily Mohler.


Yvonne Goad in peach top, Mike Mohler on her left elbow, unknown woman, unknown man, Lew Shake is the tall guy in the background, and he's talking to Herschel Kirk.  Donna Neiswinger is in the middle with glasses, talking to Dala Best Stahley (stripes), Wayne Garrison on far right.  Man seated is unknown - help me identify him!


?, Bill Shackleford in black, ?, ?, Jerry Featherston in gray shirt talking to Bill Long in white shirt (Cathy Sheets Hiatt talking to Jerry Chitwood between Jerry Featherston and Bill Long). 



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