BDHS '65 Fortieth Reunion, old BDHS Cafeteria, June 11, 2005
Bob Hayden Photos, page 4
Linda Layton sitting (green blouse), talking to Donna Burdine Alford's husband Tom. Charlie Russell in red shirt with black stripe, Dan Hughes' wife Kathy in dark purple top talking to Charlie Russell's wife Etta. Marcy Davidson Culp in red top, Barbara Shropeshire next to her..
Dan Hughes' wife Kathy, talking to Charlie Russell's wife Etta, Marcy Davidson Culp in red, Barb Shropeshire behind her, Monty Russell's fiance in black top, Wayne Garrison in blue plaid, his wife Peggy, Dala Best Stahley standing.
Jerry Barker's wife, Yvonne Goad Barton, Barb Shropeshire.