This is Jan Tigner Farnsley's list of the people she has not been able to contact in regards to our reunion.  I haven't had a chance to compare it with my own Missing In Action list.

If you know how to contact any of the people listed below, please drop me a note at  Thanks!

Adams, Gretchen Louise


Adkins, Michael Wayne


Anderson, Joyce


Anderson, Roy


Asdell, Karen Ann


Baldwin, Richard Starr


Bamford, Nancy Lynn


Bare, Margaret Ann


Barthel, Ronald Erik


Bath, Jon Alan


Bayliff, Harry Junior


Blackwood, George


Boston, Laura


Bowles, Donald


Bowling, Carolyn


Brand, Kenneth Andra


Brewer, Janice Marie


Brown, Karen Lucille


Burch, Sandra Kay


Burke, William Allen


Burnes, John William Jr.


Bush, Terry Lynn


Campbell, Caroyln Sue


Campbell, Sue


Cassaday, Marianna


Caton, John Michael


Claycomb, Donna Jean


Cohenour, Charyl Ann


Conner, Janet Sue


Courtney, Raymond Samuel


Creech, Sandra


Crockett, James Edward


Curtis, Pamela Jean


Dee, Michael Orlando


Deisch, Theresa Carla


Derrickson, George Michael


DeWees, Richard


Dodd, Dennis Arthur


Donaldson, Gary Eldon


Drattlo, Lynn Dale


Ducker, Thomas


Duncan, Sandra Lee


Dux, Diane Roberta


Eaton, Jeffrey David


Eilers, Richard Wayne


Erdmann, Conrad Lee


Essex, Patricia Liese


Fariss, Sandra Key


Featherston, Jerry Lee


Ferguson, Brenda Lynn


Ferrell, Patricia


Fitch, Janet Claire


Ford, Richard Nelson


Gatlin, Michael Andrew


Gilliam, James Ronald


Gilmore, Lelia Jean


Glover, William Morris


Goldman, Joe Allen


Goldman, Lavonia Rose


Gross, Jack I.


Hamilton, Sheila Ann


Hershell, Georgia Kay


Hocker, Peggy Ann


Hope, Oscar Carlisle III


Hopwood, Denise Kay


Howard, Sandy Meko


Huber, George Thomas


Huff, Lee Roy


Hutsel, Louis Wayne


Jones, Carla Jean


Jones, Edward Norval


Jones, Janene Lee


Jones, Joyce Joy


Keeler, James Steven


Key, Betty


Kindred, Owen Albert


Kuehne, Roxanna Velma


Lathrop, Carolyn S.


Lee, John Michael


Livingston, Terry Leon


Logston, James


Love, Robert Wayne


Lowery, Judith Ann


Lynn, Sherron Diana


Magnabosco, Mary Margaret


Mascher, Parmeitha Ann


McDonald, Sharon Ann


McIntyre, Jerry Douglas


Melton, Patricia


Miller, Jeffrey Dean


Miller, Kenneth


Mitchell, Carol Anne


Montgomery, Ruby Lee


Moore, David Andrew


Moore, John Thomas


Moores, Susan Marie


Napier, Ellen Donna


Neese, Sally Lynn


Neill, Wanda Louise


O'Neal, Pamela Sue


Pate, Ricky Ray


Payne, Anthony Howard


Payne, Vicki Lee


Pennington, Betty Kay


Perry, Patricia Ann


Pingleton, Janet Marie


Plummer, Charles Buren


Porter, Ronald Ervin


Powell, Carol Sue


Pratt, Mary Frances


Reinhardt, Dianne Lee


Reitenour, Caren Gail


Roberts, William Jasper


Rodgers, Jacqulyn Kay


Rohl, Linda Susan


Roy, James Richard


Sailors, David Ade


Schanne, Linda Louise


Schrader, Sandra Evelyn


Shaffer, Cecilia Ann


Sharpee, Steven A.


Shepherd, Linda Rose


Sinclair, David Lee


Smith, Carol Jean


Smith, Carolyn


Smith, Leonard Keith


Speedy, Robert Michael


Spreckelmeyer, Mary


Stanley, Michael Lee


Stevenson, John Henry


Stout, Carol Lynne


Sumner, Floyd Jack


Taylor, Meredith Elaine


Taylor, Robert Eugene


Thompson, Joel Allen Jr.


Thompson, Shirley Anne


Tillotson, Linda Diane


Trackwell, Nancy Ann


Triplett, Richard Lee


Turner, Loretta


Uffman, Sandra Lou


Underwood, Carolyn Sue


Wall, Phyllis


West, Rosella Marie


Westfall, Susan Kay


Williamson, Nancy Ramona


Wills, Christina Louise


Wintrowd, Peggy Ellen


Wood, Charyl Dee


Zeigler, Joyce