Maple Grove Eighth Grade, courtesy Susan Brinkley Watkins:
(Larger pictures at bottom of this page--scroll down)
First Row (on right):
Susan Brinkley
Jim Miles
Vicki Payne
Lois (?)
Samuel Downs
Paul Bailey
Second row (from right):
Kathy McIntire
Chris Macey
Mary Beth Sheppard
Billy Burke
Paul Turner
Third Row (from right):
Jeff Eaton
Sharon Lee
Earl Matthews
Clare (?)
Fourth Row (from right)
Pam Curtis
Brenda ?
Bob Hawkins
Ray Willis
Karen Brown
David Moore
Fifth Row (from right):
Ricki (?)
Karen Smith
David Crawley
Georgia Ramsey
Standing (from left to right):
Nancy (Hayes) Hansel, teacher (?)
Paul Fitch, principal (?)
Teacher (?)
Dale Tryon
Myra Syphers
Bruce Gilley