This is the 8th grade class at Garden City, courtesy George Lazell. He identifies them thusly:
Back Row: Tracy Tutor Ruger Gunkel Jerry McIntyre Danny Hale
Jim Crockett Larry Morton George Lazzell Rodney Boger Steve Burkett
Michael Gorsage Skip Love Jim Burton George Dowdell Jim Lapossa
Dale Workman.
Middle Row: Mrs Hoffa Patti Benge ?? Peggy Lucas
Marjorie Frederick? Cecelia Schaffer Janet Pingleton Leliah Gilmore
Sharon Hunley Mary Holcolm Anita Hartman Ellen MacKinnon Jackie Carrol Linda Ryan ??
Beverly ? Edith Buckley Barbara Manors Stephanie Farmer Sharon Lynn
?? Sheila ?? Mr. Price Mr. Archer.
First Row: Bob Nevitt Bill Parker Phil Franklin
Louis Hutsell Bob English Sally ?? Joyce Scott Phyllis Majors
Sharon Wright ?? ?? Tom Hutchins Wayne Clayton Richard Dierdorff
Ray Cox ?
So what about the guys in front? They look to me like Tom Brumagen, ??, and John Moore.
Here is the same photo, enlarged into three sections: